

发布日期:2024-07-05 阅读:515

报告人:Matthew Collins 教授 英国埃克塞特大学

邀请人:应俊 副研究员

时    间:7月9日(周二)10:00-11:30

地    点:1号楼1210会议室


召集人:应俊 副研究员



报告人:Matthew Collins 教授(英国埃克塞特大学数学与统计学系)


报告人简介:Matthew Collins教授是埃克塞特大学数学与统计学系系主任,英国气象局——埃克塞特大学联合环境、科学与经济学院主席,及 Frontiers in Climate 期刊的首席编辑,曾两次作为首席作者参与IPCC第五次评估报告第一工作组及海洋与冰冻圈变化特别报告的撰写工作。其研究兴趣在于气候变化中的各种物理过程,包括全球变暖下热带海温型、ENSO及其遥相关、全球季风等的变化及机理。迄今为止,他已主持多个关于气候变化预估及机理的大项目,包括“气候灾害的显现”、“真实世界中的气候变化空间预估”等,已在Nature,Nature Climate Change,Nature Geoscience,Earth’s future 等期刊发表论文180余篇。

报告摘要:This lecture will discuss the impact of climate change in the tropical Pacific ocean-atmosphere system, and the wider global impacts of these changes. Topics covered will include the mean-state pattern of sea surface temperature (SST) change and the discrepancy between observations and models, physical processes responsible for uncertainties in future tropical Pacific SST patterns, and the impact of those mean-state SST pattern changes on rainfall in North and South America. The lecture will also discuss changes in the variability of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) including the time of emergence of changes in the mean state and ENSO, the time of emergence of changes in the Walker Circulation, and changes in ENSO teleconnection patterns in North America and Europe.

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