
行政职务: 副主任
个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yuntao-Wang-9

  • 个人简介





    Nature 子刊和合作期刊、Geophys. Res. Lett.J. Geophys. Res.等主流期刊发表论文70余篇,其中作为一作/通讯作者发表SCI论文30余篇。

  • 教育经历



  • 工作经历




  • 主要业绩








  • 近五年主持承担的主要科研项目

    1. 主持,联合国教科文组织“海洋十年”项目“海洋自然灾害防治与环境健康增值(MoNITOR)”,2023-2030
    2. 主持,国家自然基金面上项目,风生上升流海域海洋锋面与海表风场相互作用的机制研究,2022-2025
    3. 主持,中国科学院先导专项子课题,印太交汇区海洋物质能量中心区域高分辨率生态模式,2020-2024
    4. 主持,自然资源部第二海洋研究所青年骨干人才经费,南海锋面的动力过程及其生态效应,2020-2022
    5. 合作主持,二所—交大“深蓝计划”,基于能量综合优化和智能控制的高速波浪滑翔机研制,2020-2022
    6. 主持,国家自然科学基金青年项目,黑潮延伸体的动力模态特征对初级生产力的影响研究,2019-2021
    7. 参与,国家自然科学基金重大项目—课题五,海洋荒漠区生物泵过程模拟及增汇潜力评估,2019-2023
    8. 合作主持,SOED 国重室自主课题,象山港微塑料分布特征、扩散过程模拟及其生态效应,2019-2020
    9. 参与,国家自然科学基金重点项目,北太平洋铁的来源与传输对海洋上层生态系统的影响,   2018-2022
    10. 主持,National Fisheries Observer Survey, Nation Marine Fisehry Service, US NOAA Fisheries,  2016-2018

  • 代表性学术论著


    1.     Jiang, Y., Wang, Y., Tian, X., Lin, S., Chen, S., Yu, J., Chai, F. (2023), Upper ocean structure determines the contrasting typhoon-induced chlorophyll-a responses in the northwest Pacific. Geophysical Research Letters, 50, e2023GL102930.

    2.     Chen, H.H., Wang, Y., Xiu, P., Yu, Y., Ma, W., Chai, F. (2023), Combined oceanic and atmospheric forcing of the 2013/14 marine heatwave in the northeast Pacific. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 6, 3.

    3.     Zhang, H.-R., Yu, Y., Gao, Z., Zhang, Y., Ma, W., Yang, D., Yin, B., Wang, Y. (2023), Seasonal and interannual variability of fronts and their impact on chlorophyll-a in the Indonesian seas. Journal of Physical Oceanography.

    4.     Zhang, T., Zheng, M., Sun, X., Chen, H.-H., Wang, Y., Fan, X., Pan, Y., Quan, J., Liu, J., Wang, Y., Lyu, D., Chen, S., Zhu, T., Chai, F. (2023), Environmental Impacts of Three Asian Dust Events in the Northern China and the Northwestern Pacific in Spring 2021. Science of the Total Environment, 859, 160230.

    5.     Lin, S., Zhang, W.-Z., Wang, Y., Chai, F. (2023), Mechanism of oceanic eddies in modulating the sea surface temperature response to a strong typhoon in the western North Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, 1117301.

    6.     Wang, Y., Xiu, P. (2022), Typhoon footprints on ocean surface temperature and chlorophyll-a in the South China Sea. Science of the Total Environment, 840, 156686.

    7.     Wang, Y., Chen, H.-H., Tang, R., He, D., Lee, Z., Xue, H., Wells, M., Boss, E., Chai, F. (2022), Australian fire nourishes ocean phytoplankton bloom. Science of the Total Environment, 807, 150775.

    8.     Xi, J., Wang, Y., Feng, Z., Liu, Y., Guo, X. (2022), Variability and intensity of the sea surface temperature front associated with the Kuroshio Extension. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 836469.

    9.     Tang, R., Yu, Y., Xi, J., Ma, W., Wang, Y. (2022), Mesoscale eddies induce variability in the sea surface temperature gradient in the Kuroshio Extension. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 926954.

    10.  Jin, W., Liang, C., Tian, X., Hu, J., Ding, T., Zhou, B., Chen, X., Wang, Y. (2022), Identifying Oceanic Responses with Validated Satellite Observations after the Passage of Typhoons in the Northern South China Sea. Remote Sensing, 14, 3872.

    11.  Wang, Y., Liu, J., Liu, H., Lin, P., Yuan, Y., Chai, F. (2021), Seasonal and interannual variability in the sea surface temperature front in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126, e2020JC016356.

    12.  Wang, Y., Tang, R., Yu, Y., Ji, F. (2021), Variability in the sea surface temperature gradient and its impacts on oceanic features in the Kuroshio extension. Remote Sensing, 13(5), 888.

    13.  Wang, Y., Ma, W., Zhou, F., Chai, F. (2021), Frontal variability and its impact on chlorophyll in the Arabian Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 218, 103545.

    14.  Chai, F., Wang, Y., Xing, X., Yan, Y., Xue, H., Wells, M., Boss, E. (2021), A limited effect of sub-tropical typhoons on phytoplankton dynamics. Biogeosciences, 18(3), 849–859.

    15.  Zhang, H.-R., Wang, Y., Xiu, P., Chai, F. (2021), Modeling the seasonal variability of phytoplankton in the subarctic northeast Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 680, 33–50.

    16.  Zhang H-R, Wang, Y., Xiu, P., Qi, Y., Chai, F. (2021), Roles of Iron Limitation in Phytoplankton Dynamics in the Western and Eastern Subarctic Pacific. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 735826.

    17.  Cao, L., Tang, R., Huang, W., Wang, Y. (2021), Seasonal variability and dynamics of coastal sea surface temperature fronts in the East China Sea. Ocean Dynamics, 71, 237–249.

    18.  Yu, J., Lin, S., Jiang, Y., Wang, Y. (2021), Modulation of typhoon-induced sea surface cooling by preexisting eddies in the South China Sea. Water, 13(5), 653.

    19.  Chen, H., Wang, Y., Chai, F., Qi, Y. (2021), Temporal and spatial patterns of dust deposition in the North Pacific Ocean and its potential impact on ecosystem in the subarctic ocean, Journal of Tropical Oceanography (in Chinese), 40(1), 21–30.

    20.  Wang, Y. (2020), Composite of typhoon induced sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a responses in the South China Sea. Journal Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2020JC016243.

    21.  Wang, Y., Yu, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, H., Chai, F. (2020), Distribution and variability of sea surface temperature fronts in the South China Sea. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 240, 106793.

    22.  Jin, W. Liang, C., Hu, J., Meng, Q., Lü, H., Wang, Y., Lin, F., Chen, X., Liu, X. (2020), Modulation Effect of Mesoscale Eddies on Sequential Typhoon-Induced Oceanic Responses in the South China Sea. Remote Sensing, 12, 3059.

    23.  Yu, Y., Wang, Y., Cao, L., Chai, F. (2020), The ocean-atmosphere interaction over a summer upwelling system in the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 208, 103360.

    24.  Chen, H., Tang, R., Zhang, H., Yu, Y., Wang, Y. (2020), Investigating the Relationship between Sea Surface Chlorophyll and Major Features of the South China Sea with Satellite Information. Journal of Visual Experiment, e61172.

    25.  Lü, H., Ma, X., Wang, Y., Xue, H., Chai, F. (2020), Impacts of the unique landfall Typhoons Damrey on chlorophyll-a in the Yellow Sea off Jiangsu Province, China. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 39, 101394.

    26.  Yu, Y., Xing, X., Liu, H., Yuan, Y., Wang, Y., Chai, F. (2019), The variability of chlorophyll-a and its relationship with dynamic factors in the basin of the South China Sea. Journal of Marine Systems, 200, 103230.

    27.  Chen, H., Qi, Y., Wang, Y., Chai, F. (2019), Seasonal variability of SST fronts and winds on the southeastern continental shelf of Brazil. Ocean Dynamics, 69(11), 13871399.

    28.  Yu, Y., Zhang, H., Jin, J., Wang, Y. (2019), Trends of sea surface temperature and sea surface temperature fronts in the South China Sea during 2003–2017. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(4), 106–115.

    29.  Wang, Y., Zhang, H.-R., Chen, H.-H., Chai, F. (2019), The sources and transport of iron in the North Pacific and its impact on marine ecosystems. Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters, 12(1), 30–34.

    30.  Wang, Y., Zhang, H.-R., Chai, F., Yuan, Y. (2018), Impact of Mesoscale Eddies on Chlorophyll Variability off the Coast of Chile. Plos One, 13(9), e0203598.

    31.  Wang, Y., Huang, H., Chai, F., Chen, Y. (2018), Progress and discussion for fishery oceanography research. Acta Oceanologica Sinica (in Chinese), 40(6), 131–133.

    32.  Wang, Y., Castelao, R., Di Iorio, D. (2017), Salinity Variability and Water Exchange in Interconnected Estuaries. Estuaries and Coasts, 40, 917–929.

    33.  Wang, Y., Castelao, R. (2016), Variability in the coupling between sea surface temperature and wind stress in the global coastal ocean. Continental Shelf Research, 125, 88-96.

    34.  Wang, Y., Castelao, R., Yuan, Y. (2015), Seasonal variability of alongshore winds and sea surface temperature fronts in Eastern Boundary Current Systems. Journal Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120(3), 2385–2400.

    Collaborated publications:

    1.     Wang, F., Li, X., Tang, X., Sun, X., Zhang, J., Yang, D. et al. (2023), The seas around China in a warming climate. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, 535–551.

    2.     Dai, M., Luo, Y.-W., Achterberg, E. P., Browning, T. J., Cai, Y., Cao, Z., et al. (2023), Upper Ocean Biogeochemistry of the Oligotrophic North Pacific Subtropical Gyre: From Nutrient Sources to Carbon Export. Reviews of Geophysics, 61, e2022RG000800.

    3.     Zhao, C., Hou, Y., Wang, Y., Li, P., He, C., Shi, Q., Yi, Y., He, D. (2023), Unraveling the Photochemical Reactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Yangtze River Estuary: Integrating Incubations with Field Observations. Water Research, 245, 120638.

    4.     Liang, W., Liu, T., Wang, Y., Jiao, J., Gan, J., He, D. (2023), Spatiotemporal-aware machine learning approaches for dissolved oxygen prediction in coastal waters. Science of The Total Environment, 905, 167138.

    5.     Yan, Z., Xin, Y., Zhong, X., Yi, Y., Li, P., Wang, Y., et al. (2023), Dissolved organic nitrogen cycling revealed at the molecular level in the Bohai and Yellow Sea. Water Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2023.120446.

    6.     Zhao, C., Zhang, H., Li, P., Yi, Y., Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., He, C., Shi, Q., He, D. (2023), Dissolved organic matter cycling revealed from the molecular level in three coastal bays of China. Science of The Total Environment, 166843.

    7.     Zhao, C., Zhou, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, W., Li, P., He, C., Shi, Q., Yi, Y., He, D. (2023), Seasonal variations of dissolved organic matter chemistry in a semi-enclosed and eutrophic coastal bay in Southeastern China: Implications for carbon cycling. Journal of Hydrology, 622, 129679.

    8.     Wang, P., Liu, R., Tian, X., Zhang, X., Qiao, L., Wang, Y. (2023), Obstacle avoidance for environmentally-driven USVs based on deep reinforcement learning in large-scale uncertain environments. Ocean Engineering, 270, 113670.

    9.     Wang, K., Pang, Y., Yi, Y., Yang, S., Wang, Y., He, C., Shi, Q., He, D. (2023), Response of dissolved organic matter chemistry to flood control of a large river reservoir during an extreme storm event. Water Research, 230, 119565.

    10.  Zheng, Y., Ma, M., Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Xiu, P. (2023), Modeling dissolved organic carbon exchange across major straits and shelf breaks in the South China Sea. Progress in Oceanography, 210, 102928.

    11.  Wu, F., Guo, J., Duan, H., Li, T., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, S., Feng, Y. (2023), Ocean Acidification Affects the Response of the Coastal Coccolithophore Pleurochrysis carterae to Irradiance. Biology, 12, 1249.

    12.  Wu, J., Zhu, Z., Waniek, J. J., Niu, M., Wang, Y., Zhang, Z., Zhou, M., Zhang, R. (2023), The biogeography and co-occurrence network patterns of bacteria and microeukaryotes in the estuarine and coastal waters. Marine Environmental Research, 184, 105873.

    13.  He, D., Li, P., He, C., Wang, Y., Shi, Q. (2022), Eutrophication and watershed characteristics shape changes in dissolved organic matter chemistry along two river-estuarine transects. Water Research, 214, 118196.

    14.  Zhou, Y., Zhao, C., He, C., Li, P., Wang, Y., Pang, Y., Shi, Q., He, D. (2022), Characterization of dissolved organic matter processing between surface sediment porewater and overlying bottom water in the Yangtze River Estuary. Water Research, 215, 118260.

    15.  Yu, X., Huang, W., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Cao, L., Yang, Z., Dou, S. (2022), Microplastic pollution in the environment and organisms of Xiangshan Bay, East China Sea: An area of intensive mariculture. Water Research, 212, 118117.

    16.  Zheng, Y., Ma, W., Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Xiu, P. (2022), Modeling dissolved organic carbon exchange across major straits and shelf breaks in the South China Sea. Progress in Oceanography.

    17.  Sun, X., Fan, X., Zhang, T., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Lyu, D., Zheng, M. (2022), Tempo-spatial Distributions and Transport Characteristics of Two Dust Events over Northern China in March 2021. Remote Sensing, 14, 5967.

    18.  Sun, Y., Cao, L., Wang, Y., Chen, C., Li, Y., Zhao, X. (2022), Sources and distribution of microplastics in the east China sea under a three-dimensional numerical modelling. Environmental Pollution, 311, 119910.

    19.  Rabe, B., Heuze, C., Regnery, J., Aksenov, Y., Allerholt, J., Athanase, M. et al. (2022), Overview of the MOSAiC expedition: Physical oceanography. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 10, 1.

    20.  Ma, W., Wang, Y., Bai, Y., Ma, X., Yu, Y., Zhang, Z., Xi, J. (2022), Seasonal variability in chlorophyll and air-sea CO2 flux in the Sri Lanka dome. Remote Sensing, 14, 3239.

    21.  Huang, C., Liu, Y., Luo, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, Y., Zhuang, Y., Tian, Y. (2022), Improvement and Assessment of Ocean Color Algorithms in the Northwest Pacific Fishing Ground Using Himawari-8, MODIS-Aqua, and VIIRS-SNPP. Remote Sensing, 14, 3610.

    22.  Dong, J., Jing, Z., Fox-Kemper, B., Wang, Y., Cao, H., Dong, C. (2022), Effects of symmetric instability in the Kuroshio Extension region in winter. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 202(7), 105142.

    23.  Sun, X., Li, P., Zhou, Y., He, C., Cao, F., Wang, Y., Shi, Q., He, D. (2022), Linkages between optical and molecular signatures of dissolved organic matter along the Yangtze River Estuary-to-East China Sea continuum. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 933561.

    24.  Ran, L., Ma, W., Wiesner, M. G., Wang, Y., Chen, J., Zhang, L., Yang, Z., Zhang, J., Li, H., Ren, J., Xiang, R., Fredj. E. (2022), Sediment Resuspension as a Major Contributor to Sinking Particles in the Northwestern South China Sea: Evidence from Observations and Modeling. Frontiers in Marine Science, 9, 819340.

    25.  Tao, K., Xu, Y., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., He, D. (2021), Source, sink and preservation of organic matter from a machine learning approach of polar lipid tracers in sediments and soils from the Yellow River and Bohai Sea, eastern China. Chemical Geology, 582, 5, 120441.

    26.  Li, P., Zhao, C., Liu, K., Xiao, X., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., He, D. (2021), Anthropogenic Influences on Dissolved Organic Matter in Three Coastal Bays, North China. Frontiers in Earth Science. 9, 697758.

    27.  Zhao, C., Zhou, Y., Pang, Y., Zhang, Y., Huang, W., Wang, Y., He, D. (2021), The optical and molecular signatures of DOM under the eutrophication status in a shallow, semi-enclosed coastal bay in southeast China. Science China Earth Sciences, 64, 1090–1104.

    28.  Wang, K., Pang, Y., Li, Y., He, C., Shi, Q., Wang, Y., He, D. (2021), Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter Across a Riparian Soil–Water Interface: Preliminary Insights from a Molecular Level Perspective. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(5), 1102–1113.

    29.  Lü, H., Liu, Y., Wang, Y., Cui, Y., Ge, X., Zhou, L. (2021), Abnormal reverse intrusion of the Kuroshio Branch Current induced by super typhoon Soudelor. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 256, 107377.

    30.  Zhou, Y., He, D., He, C., Li, P., Fan, D., Wang, A., Zhang, K., Chen, B., Wang, Y., Shi, Q., Sun, Y. (2021), Spatial changes in molecular composition of dissolved organic matter in the Yangtze River Estuary: implications for estuarine carbon cycling. Science of the Total Environment, 759, 143531.

    31.  Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., Liu, B., Wang, Y., Xie, W., Wang, P., Zhang, C., He, D. (2021), Spatiotemporal distribution and sources variation of hydrocarbons in surface sediments from the Pearl River Estuary, Southern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 21, 499-511.

    32.  Li, A, Feng, Y., Wang, Y., Xue, H. (2021), Spatiotemporal variation of water area with high chlorophyll concentration in the South China Sea based on OC-CCI data. Journal of Tropical Oceanography (in Chinese), 40(x).

    33.  Chai, F., Johnson, K., Claustre, H., Xing, X., Wang, Y., Boss, E. et al. (2020), Monitoring Ocean biogeochemistry with autonomous platforms. Nature Review-Earth Environment, 1, 315–326.

    34.  Liu, J., Wang, Y., Yuan, Y., Xu, D. (2020), The response of surface chlorophyll to mesoscale eddies generated in the eastern South China Sea. Journal of Oceanography, 76, 211–226.

    35.  Mao, Z., Mao, Z., Jamet, C., Linderman, M., Wang, Y., Chen, X. (2020), Seasonal Cycles of Phytoplankton Expressed by Sine Equations Using the Daily Climatology from Satellite-Retrieved Chlorophyll-a Concentration (1997–2019) Over Global Ocean. Remote Sensing, 12, 2662.

    36.  Liu, B., He, Y., Zhang, Y., Sun, Y., Wang, Y., He, D. (2020), Natural and anthropogenic organic matter cycling between coastal wetlands and rivers: a case study from Liao River Delta. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 236, 106610.

    37.  Lu, Q., He, D., Pang, Y., Zhang, Y., He, C., Wang, Y., Zhang, H., Shi, Q., Sun, Y. (2020), Processing of dissolved organic matter from surface waters to sediment pore waters in a temperate coastal wetland. Science of the Total Environment, 742, 140491.

    38.  Castelao, R., Wang, Y. (2014), Wind-driven variability in sea surface temperature front distribution in the California Current System. Journal Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119(3), 1861–1875.

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