

  • 教育经历

    2013/09 - 2016/06,北京师范大学,全球环境变化/气候系统模拟,博士。 2010/09 - 2013/06,北京师范大学,全球环境变化/气候系统模拟,硕士。 2006/09 - 2010/06,兰州大学,大气科学(基地班),学士。
  • 工作经历

    2017/12 - 2018/08,德国汉堡大学,访问学者 2016/07 - 2021.12,卫星海洋环境动力学国家重点实验室,助理研究员 2021.12 - 至今,副研究员
  • 近五年主持承担的主要科研项目

    国家自然科学青年基金,人为气溶胶排放对气候影响的模拟以及历史责任归因研究(41705048),2018-2020,主持。 国家海洋局第二海洋所基本科研业务费专项,基于IPCC未来情景的气候变化对中国近海生态环境的预估研究(JG1620),2016-2018,主持。

  • 代表性学术论著

    Tian D, zhou F, Zhang W, et al. Effects of Dissolved Oxygen and Nutrients from the Kuroshio on Hypoxia Off the Changjiang River Estuary [J]. Journal of Oceanology and Limnology, 2021, doi: http://doi.org/10.1007/s00343-021-0440-3.

    Tian D, Zhang H, Zhang W, et al. Wave Glider Observations of Surface Waves During Three Tropical Cyclones in the South China Sea [J]. Water, 2020, 12(5): 1331.

    Tian D, Su J, Zhou F, et al. Heat Budget Responses of the Eastern China Seas to Global Warming in a Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Model [J]. Clim Res, 2019, 79(2): 109-126.

    Tian D, Dong W, Zhang H, Guo Y, Yang S, Dai T. 2017. Future changes in coverage of 1.5 °C and 2 °C warming thresholds. Science Bulletin 62: 1455-1463. doi:10.1016/j.scib.2017.09.023. Tian D, Dong W, Yan X, Chou J, Yang S, Wei T, Zhang H, Guo Y, Wen X, Yang Z. 2016. Climate System Responses to a Common Emission Budget of Carbon Dioxide. Journal of Climate 29: 2433-2442. doi:10.1175/jcli-d-15-0213.1. Tian D, Dong W, Gong D, Guo Y, Yang S. 2016. Fast responses of climate system to carbon dioxide, aerosols and sulfate aerosols without the mediation of SST in the CMIP5. International Journal of Climatology 37: 1156-1166. doi:10.1002/joc.4763. Tian D, Guo Y, Dong W. 2015. Future changes and uncertainties in temperature and precipitation over China based on CMIP5 models. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 32: 487-496. doi:10.1007/s00376-014-4102-7. Yang S, Liu C, Dong W, Chou J, Tian D, Wei T, Tian Y. 2018. Quantifying the Climate Impact of the US Policy Choices Using an Economic and Earth System Model. Sustainability 10. doi:10.3390/su10061884. Dong T-Y, Dong W-J, Guo Y, Chou J-M, Yang S-L, Tian D, Yan D-D. 2018. Future temperature changes over the critical Belt and Road region based on CMIP5 models. Advances in Climate Change Research 9: 57-65. doi:10.1016/j.accre.2018.01.003. Wei T, Dong W, Moore J, Yan Q, Song Y, Yang Z, Yuan W, Chou J, Cui X, Yan X, Wei Z, Guo Y, Yang S, Tian D, Lin P, Yang S, Wen Z, Lin H, Chen M, Feng G, Jiang Y, Zhu X, Chen J, Wei X, Shi W, Zhang Z, Dong J, Li Y, Chen D. 2016. Quantitative Estimation of the Climatic Effects of Carbon Transferred by International Trade. Scientific reports 6: 28046. doi:10.1038/srep28046. Wei T, Dong W, Yan Q, Chou J, Yang Z, Tian D. 2016. Developed and developing world contributions to climate system change based on carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide emissions. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences 33: 632-643. doi:10.1007/s00376-015-5141-4. Wenjie Dong, Jianbin Huang, Yan Guo, Fumin Ren, Chuanjiang Huang, Yunyun Liu, Di Tian, Ting Wei, Chonghai Xu, Ying Xu, Dong dong Yan, Yao yao, Wenping Yuan, Zongci Zhao, Jingqing Zuo. 2016. Atlas of Climate Change: Responsibility and Obligation of Human Society. Springer, ISBN 978-3-662-48442-5. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-662-48444-9. (Contribution Author)

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