Wave contribution to sea level rise

发布日期:2024-07-18 阅读:490

报告人:苏健 研究员 丹麦气象研究所

邀请人:周锋 研究员、田娣 副研究员

时    间:7月23日(周二)10:00-11:30

地    点:1号楼1210会议室


召集人:周锋 研究员  田娣 副研究员





报告人:苏健 研究员(丹麦气象研究所,Danish Meteorological Institute)

报告题目:Wave contribution to sea level rise

报告人简介:苏健,丹麦气象局研究员,博士毕业于中国海洋大学。主要从事国家气候服务项目,是国家气候服务项目 Klimaatlas 的海洋方面项目的负责人,在区域海洋动力学模型,区域气候耦合模型,海洋生态系统模型和综合观测,卫星和模型数据分析方面拥有丰富的经验。科研早期的研究主要集中于河口和大陆架海域的中尺度海洋过程,海洋环流以及海洋与大气的相互作用。近10年转向区域气候模型和气候灾害风险评估。

报告摘要:Coastal locations around the world face the multifaceted challenge of rising sea levels, posing threats to coastal communities, particularly during storm surges and high wave conditions. We have examined the dynamics of sea-level fluctuations along Denmark’s coastline, with focus on wave-induced phenomena, such as wave setup. We analysed wave data from DMI’s operational model spanning from 2006 to 2022, as well as climate projections that extend until the middle of the 21st century. We conducted an analysis of the 2% exceedance of the significant wave height maxima during specific time frames (denoted “storm days”) and “storm surge conditions” (the maximum sea level within a 30-year period). We found that the impact of climate change on extreme wave events was insignificant when focusing solely on the wave component, but heightened wave setup during “storm surge conditions” along the north-western coasts of Jutland. In this area, there is a notable increase in wave setup due to longer swells, ranging from 5 to 10 cm, by the mid-century, which is double the current wave setup in the region. Interestingly, other parts of the country did not show significant changes in wave setup. This regional variation highlights the nuanced impact of wave-induced processes on sea level dynamics and underscores the need for tailored adaptation strategies targeting specific vulnerable zones.

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