Benthos as a key driver of morphological change of coastal regions


发布日期:2023-11-15 阅读:555

报告人:张文彦 研究员(德国赫姆霍兹协会海岸带研究所)

邀请人:周锋 研究员、孟启承 副研究员

时    间:11月20日(周一)10:00-11:30

地    点:1号楼1210会议室


召集人:周锋 研究员、孟启承 副研究员



报告人:张文彦 研究员(德国赫姆霍兹协会海岸带研究所)

报告题目:Benthos as a key driver of morphological change of coastal regions

报告人简介:Dr. Wenyan Zhang is head of the department Sediment Transport and Morphodyamics in the Institute of Coastal Systems - Analysis and Modeling, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon. His expertise mainly lies on sediment dynamics, coastal morphodynamics and benthic-pelagic coupling. In particular, the role of benthic fauna and flora in morphodynamics and carbon cycling is of interest. Dr. Zhang has published more than 70 peer-reviewed research papers since 2010 with h-index=25. He is member of the expert group Climate change in the Baltic Sea of HELCOM (lead author of coastal sediment transportation), and ICES working groups Fisheries Benthic Impact and Trade-offs (WGFBIT) and Impact of Fishing on Oceanic Carbon (WKFISHCARBON). 

报告摘要:Benthic fauna and flora have long been recognized as an important factor influencing local sediment stability, deposition and erosion rates. However, their role in long-term (annual-to-decadal scale) and large-scale coastal morphological change remains largely speculative. To derive a quantitative understanding of the importance of benthos in sediment transport and morphodynamics of coastal zones, we firstly applied a machine learning-aided species abundance model to derive a complete map of benthos (functional groups, abundance and biomass), based on abundance and biomass measurements in field. The derived data were used to parameterize the benthos effect on sediment stability, erosion/deposition rates, and hydrodynamics in a 3-dimensional hydro-eco-morphodynamic model, which was then applied to two tidal basins in the Wadden Sea. By comparison between the different scenarios and measurements, the relative contribution of each biological functional group and abiotic drivers (tides, storm surges) as well as their interactions are disentangled.

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