Funding Ocean Research: Insights from my Years at the U.S. National Science Foundation


发布日期:2023-11-06 阅读:479

报告人:William L. Miller 教授 佐治亚大学

邀请人:王云涛 研究员

时    间:11月8日(周三)14:30-15:30

地    点:1号楼1210会议室


召集人: 王云涛 研究员



报告人:William L. Miller 教授(佐治亚大学)

报告题目:Funding Ocean Research: Insights from my Years at the U.S. National Science Foundation

报告人简介:William L. Miller博士,美国佐治亚大学海洋科学系教授,国际著名海洋化学家。分别在维克森林大学、南佛罗里达大学、罗德岛大学获得学士(1979)、硕士(1985)、博士(1990)学位。在美国环境保护署完成博士后研究(1991-1995)后,入职加拿大Dalhousie大学,历任助理教授(1995-1998)、副教授(终身,1998-2004);2004年入职美国佐治亚大学,历任副教授(终身,2004-2008)、教授(2008至今);期间任佐治亚大学海洋研究所所长(2004-2013)、国际上层海洋-低层大气相互作用研究(SOLAS)计划美方代表(2012-2015)、美国国家自然科学基金委地球科学学部海洋科学处化学海洋学项目主管(2015-2017)。研究工作聚焦水体光学、痕量元素生物地球化学及海洋遥感。在国际地学主流期刊发表论文近百篇,Google Scholar总引用 7200余次,h-index 40。

报告摘要:The U.S. National Science Foundation provides opportunities for non-Federal scientists, mainly academics, to serve as Program Officers for a period of up to 3 years. This injects new ideas and insights into the process from active researchers and provides insight into the workings of NSF to those academics chosen to participate.  From 2015 through 2017 I served in the Oceanography Division as a Program Officer for the Chemical Oceanography program. Over those years I participated fully in all aspects of the Foundation’s mission to fund exceptional basic research in the Ocean Sciences; in core funding and special initiatives as well as planning joint operations with other national funding agencies (e.g., NASA). This presentation will relate insights I gained on Foundation operations, the details of proposal review, and elements for good grantsmanship.

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